Fontaine de Pez
Building on the successful experience at Château Picourneau-Malvezin since 2013; Muriel and Jean-Dominique seized the opportunity that presented itself in 2021 to acquire a plot of 23 acres at a place called Pez; in the immediate vicinity of the old communal wash house that the Stéphanois call “Les Fontaines”. In adding a new plot of land for rent and a last one recently planted; a total of 0.75 hectares will ultimately be exploited in this appellation world-renowned municipal community, respecting traditions and terroir.
Vineyard area
0.75 Ha
Grape varieties
50% cabernet sauvignon, 50% merlot
12 to 18 months
Vineyard management
Chemical weeding is banned in favor of plowing
traditional by animal traction. The vine is treated in moderate reaction to
the appearance of diseases
Administrative name
CANALE Jean Dominique, Picourneau Malvezin
Jean-Dominique CANALE